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Governing Body
Welcome from the Governing Body
On behalf of the Governing Body, welcome to Humphry Davy School.
The caring and holistic ethos of the school, and its focus on each student as an individual, is an important part of the school’s identity. As governors, our aim is to sustain that ethos, as expressed in our School Vision, while at the same time responding positively and effectively to government and other challenges.
We hear regularly from visitors to the school that they are impressed by the friendliness and atmosphere, and feedback recently from our new senior students, included words such as encouraging, community, friendly, inspirational, welcoming, warm, challenging (in a good way), supportive, opportunities and family.
Maintaining that positive and supportive environment for learning is our highest priority.
The school includes students from across the local area who, with their differing interests, abilities, needs and backgrounds, reflect the differences within our local community and beyond. Governors are committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity and support to achieve their very best at school and to develop as enterprising and responsible young adults.
Our Role
The role of the governors is to provide strategic input and challenge to the Headteacher and senior staff to ensure the school provides the best possible environment and opportunities for students and staff.
We have four core functions -:
- to ensure clarity of Vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- to hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its students and the performance management of staff; and
- to oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure its money is well spent.
- ensuring the voices of school stakeholders are heard
The Governing Body includes parents, staff and others from a wide range of backgrounds. We engage directly with school senior leaders, staff, students, the wider community, and parents. We continue to include a number of parent governor places to ensure that current parents are involved in strategic decisions about the school.
Parents have a wealth of knowledge, experience and skills as well as their specific relationship with the school and their contribution alongside co-opted and other governors is valued.
We listen closely to the views of parents. We recognise the importance of the relationship between parents and school, and we invite all parents to share their thoughts, concerns and ideas with governors either at school events or by emailing the Chair of Governors: tbinns@humphry-davy.cornwall.sch.uk
The Governing Body has four Committees.- Teaching and Learning; Finance and Premises; Safeguarding; and Personnel.
Each Committee reports to the full Governing Body at the end of the relevant half term.
Details of Governors’ pecuniary interests, attendance record and Committee membership are available on this page.
The Chair of Governors (Ms.Terry Binns) can be contacted by email tbinns@humphry-davy.cornwall.sch.uk
or by letter addressed to Chair of Governors, Humphry Davy School, Coombe Road, Penzance, TR18 2TG.
Further guidance on being a governor is available on the Cornwall Council website at http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/education-and-learning/schools-and-colleges/governors/