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Equalities Objectives
Equality and Diversity is central to the ethos of Humphry Davy School. The School Vision makes direct reference to:
- Celebrating individuality.
- Maximising the life chances of all of our young people.
Humphry Davy School values and principals specifically state that they will work with every individual to:
- Embed Co-operative values in policies, activities and decision making and develop the co-operative character of the school – Self help, self responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.
- Identify and overcome barriers to learning or participation in school life;
- Instil an understanding of the world around us and local and wider cultures, underpinned by environmentally sustainable values and practices within the school’s operations;
The school is committed to justice and equality for all in its values and principles, and the school’s strategy document says that this will be seen in school life by:
- Providing engaging and inclusive core and extra-curricular activities, addressing barriers, and using Pupil Premium and other funding sources, to enable all groups of students to participate;
- Continuing to develop national and international links with a range of countries and cultures;
- Integrating the principles of caring for others into school life, including an awareness of issues such as poverty, the impact of climate change and the importance of Fair Trade on a local, national and global level;
Humphry Davy School Equality Objectives:
The school has adopted the following Equality Objectives which underpin this policy and specific actions taken.
- To raise, and maintain, a high level of awareness of Equality and Diversity expectations within the school community and include the whole school community in developing and reviewing the policy
- To ensure that any instances of discrimination or disrespectful behaviour are responded to promptly and effectively;
- To ensure that every student, irrespective of race, disability, gender, religion, belief or sexual orientation, has access to the support required to achieve their full potential;
- To provide a range and quality of learning opportunities that is relevant and accessible to all students, taking account of their differing needs and characteristics and equips them with the skills for employment, further learning, and wider social and community engagement
- To ensure that effective strategies are in place to tackle under–achievement and to address any gap between specific groups of students including those defined by the protected characteristics, SEND and disadvantage.
- To improve access to all areas of the school for students, staff and others irrespective of disability
- To ensure that the school’s procedures for managing behaviour and student discipline, as set out in the Behaviour for Learning Policy, are fair, effective and equitable.
- To ensure that the adults working or volunteering in the school include, as far as possible, a balanced gender mix and appropriate representation of ethnic groups, ages, faiths, and people with disabilities related to the local community.
- To ensure that all appointments are made on a fair, equitable and non-discriminatory basis