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Careers Education - Students
65% of you will be employed in jobs that don’t yet exist!
You have the potential to be the well-rounded individual who has the skills and qualities; qualifications and experiences to successfully apply to university and for positions in the workplace. You will focus on developing employability and personal skills and qualities whilst at HDS and Mrs Richards, our Careers Advisor, is on hand to answer any questions you may have. She can be found in her office in the library or you can contact her via hrichards@humphry-davy.cornwall.sch.uk using your school email account.
Remember to keep your careers record up to date using the student tracker in your mentoring folder! Fill in the careers pages each half term with details of any careers activities you have been involved in such as assemblies, workshops, the careers fair and careers work in lessons!
For more information on our Careers Offer please click here.
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Headteacher William Marshall
Humphry Davy School, Coombe Road, Penzance,Cornwall, TR18 2TG
- 01736 363 559
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